You speculate all you want and inject any commentary you want. I posted what the man said. Period.
It is really difficult to find where anyone that has done the same thing as an example simply because, everyone one involved won so there was no...
Well, Trump has said he would end the war in 24hours. Definitely hyperbole, but I take that as, he will tell both of them to solve the issue and...
That is not what I said. The entire world and Putin know that we are supporting Ukraine now. He is already in a war with the US. We just don't...
I understand your thinking, I just don't agree. I would think the 100's of thousands of dead Ukrainians probably don't agree either.
You guys really don't understand real estate developers do you???? What the Trump organization did, goes on in the real estate every day and a...
Point made, but Biden's weak response to helping Ukraine is merely a band aid and the war seems to be a stalemate at this point. We need to...
Going 110 MPH can lead to a victim. No victims or lead to possibility of a victim in this supposed crime.
Here is a better idea for you. This is what I think not some talking point from the handbook. I kniow you guys only speak from the handbook. I...
First, I realize that Putin is not trustworthy at all. I also realize that all of you have said repeatedly that Trump voters belong to the cult...
Funny Stuff!!!!! So, you guys think that Putin is saying Biden, when he really means Trump, but is saying Biden so all the lemmings out there will...
Oh! You are correct, I didn't run it by the leftist playbook on whose words we believe today. It changes regularly.
The only one enabling open borders is dumba$$ liberals. Read the bill the Senate passed, and House didn't. When you get to the meat of the bill...
You actually have zero evidence of what I have done, am doing, and helping to plan to do, now do you?
I'm not trying to add 6 million to the welfare line either.
Well, well, well........ It appears that the guy you guys say owns Trump would prefer Ole Joe get reelected. I guess his puppet mastery may be...
I pay my taxes and I expect my federal government to enact and enforce the laws that my representatives, that I voted for, have passed. This...
You are definitely right that real estate developers get a much higher. better consideration than the average homeowner. I'm not sure exactly how...
I wonder how many of you fans of just let them in have done anything to help these poor young men that have walked 1000's of miles? Have any of...
Maybe they should stay home if the journey is so dangerous!!!!! And hell of a lot of them are flying into Mexico City, don't kid yourself!!