Even I’m pretty meh about Gator football. I think it’s a combination of things. First off we’re kinda stuck in neutral since Urban’s departure....
Napier not effin’ around
Speaking of HBCUs [MEDIA] The jokes write themselves at times
I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop when these kids have to file income taxes on all this NIL money. It’s going to be one of those welcome to...
A few things I have been pondering about. First off, people are putting the blame on the wrong people. The blame for the ridiculousness of a 17 yr...
After the unfortunate events of last night, expect to see this type of question being posed more often
I’m with you on your stance. I’m a much younger Gator fan. Been a fan the minute I was accepted back in November of ‘95. I’m in my mid 40s and am...
I wish it had been on PBS so The Count could do the play by play. 1st down hahahaha 2nd down and 10 hahaha. 1 penalty hahahah 2 penalties….[img]
Our luck we’d be turned in for tampering and we’d be made an example of. This is the same NCAA that came after one of our players over a bake...
To answer the question, NIL won’t go away. The Genie has been let out of the lamp and we can’t shove him back in. What can make it dicey will be a...