Since Jan 2021 there have been more than 8 million "encounters" with illegal border crossers on the southern border. It's not at all unreasonable...
the funny thing is that - in September - Biden attempted to limit asylum claims (by rule, not legislation) based upon an arbitrary standard (once...
Press secretary? He's certainly more valuable than that.
I'm not advocating for a patronage system. I'm advocating for a ****massively*** reduced administrative state. We can probably make do with 30%...
Don't forget Clinton's "easy button"
People are simply fed up with bureaucratic/administrative state. As they should be. Hopefully the collapse of the Chevron deference will lead to...
it’s that whole “intersectionality” lunacy lefties think trannies and blue collar workers are fellow travelers
I think Putin has been pretty darn happy with a president who doesn’t seem to want to do anything to oppose the Ukraine invasion beyond writing checks
ok, I'll engage the specific claims: OMG Manafort gave polling data??? and I don't think Putin really cares who the US president is
The best part of this whole election cycle is Ana Navarro whining on CNN
Keep digging that hole
I don’t know what the rules are in every state, but some state have rules that require provisional/damaged/whatever ballots to be counted if and...
So I’m in Colorado we’re basically 100% mail-in ballots here it’s generally a good system, but does need some changes, imo for example, ballots...
because most states with ID requirements don’t spend time doing manual signature verification
I increasingly wonder what the 2020 election would have looked like without the Covid voting "modifications" It's hard to believe that both Trump...
yes, we've seen your copy-pasta
I'm looking forward to Trump directly quoting Pinochet and firing up the helicopters. Too soon?
Nobody can make a credible argument for not requiring ID