Yes, a tattoo "celebrating" the crusades is ok. Full stop.
and don’t forget that scary tattoo! it’s all very concerning
dude's never even been on the board of Raytheon, LockMart, Northrop, GD or BAE. that dog won't hunt
She can have 1/256th of the job
at some point you all will figure out that a large portion of Americans consider 25 years of being a beltway insider to be a bug, not a feature.
You're taking the D part of D.O.G.E a little too literally
yeah the prior level of weaponization was just right
CNN just called it for Republicans
he's never even seen the product catalog!!!!
listen, we can't have a SECDEF without significant ties to major military contractors. that's just bad for business... for all sides does he...
NHTSA standards shouldn't even prevent importation of anything Chevron deference is kaput. Perhaps this kind of administrative state BS will go...
I don't know if this is off-topic or not, but BYD would sell a $hitload of vehicles in the US, even with a 200% tariff.
we have unlocked peak lolz
They’re finally gonna release those piss tapes! russia Russia Russia!
he's been through a lot
cite? on the page that I linked, the vast majority of those statuses (including "expedited removal") remain here for a hearing.
It's much closer to 100% than it is to 50% Custody and Transfer Statistics FY2022 Even "expedited removal" people get a hearing
you tell me
8 million "encounters" with southern border crossers... 10+ million overall "encounters" aren't put on a bus and sent back. They're issued NTAs...