Also it sounds like they were sent to a bunch of different countries for use.
My first reason would be this stuff isn't even in the ball park of how many people catch the flu - swine flu then or otherwise - My guess now...
Fake news
Fact checking Trump's claim on swine flu tests - CNNPolitics Nice spin... Within the next four months, more than 1 million tests "were shipped...
Let me see the US chart for that?
I doubt it. I think they are conning people I think with confirmed test cases comparisons which with H1N1 many people weren't tested like this at...
BS they will ride it out and get their old trade pacts back and crush these populist movements in the West. Today Trump made it clear they got...
If he was the main one behind this I hope so. Trump has caught on to what the globalists plans are with this.
Trump killing it with the media on how long this economic destroying mess can go on even getting the point in about flu deaths and can't stay shut...
Might get a number in the 130s or even more at 8pm if NY has another drop prior to 8pm. Washington is still bouncing topping out it appears.
Any doctor not giving it to their patients now in bad condition are crazy - a FL man just told his Dr. to give it to him after seeing it on TV and...
I just go by passings since NY, WA and NJ started testing everyone asking through a doctor for a while. I heard NY was going to stop that over...
CA is just a few days behind WA which has peaked or is clearly topping now. It never took good hold there - probably because its March now. H1N1...
[MEDIA] Yep the media would have to stage scenes like they do sometimes to show these overflowing hospitals everywhere in the US from coronavirus...
[MEDIA] I hope this is true about Gov Cuomo. If he does it all the Dem Governors should follow suit.
Some good info there. The only thing is this stuff just getting into one nursing home in some states can greatly change that % of fatalities for a...
Alright I think I have seen enough data from the other countries (China and the Western European ones to date) to make a more informed guess on...
[MEDIA] ..
I agree with some of that but as far as the conspiracy stuff I would have never believed that 4 western countries would have their intelligence...
Right - we aren't even going to approach H1N1 - I see ole Nate Silver is even putting in a lot more "ifs" now since the CA taking off like NY...