Bases loaded / 2 outs Kc/B/F/B - Lawson flies out to center 1/2/0/3 Gators 6-2
Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs Donay HBP
Man on 1B / 2 outs Shelton HBP
Man on 3B / 2 outs New Earl is #27 Fr RHP DeRias (0.00, 0-0, 3.0 IP) Ks/B - Boser singles to shallow center. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 1 out B - Yost steals 2B (fielder had him but dropped the ball) F/F/B/B - Nadeau grounds out to 1B.
Man on 1B / 0 outs B/Kc/Kc/F/B/F - Yost hits to short. They get Heyman but E6 on the throw to 1B.
Bottom of the 8th Heyman singles to shallow left
No one on / 2 outs Kc/Ks/F/F/F/B/F/Kc - Ogdon goes down looking (for the 3rd time - in this at bat) 0/0/0/0 Gators 5-2
No one on / 1 out B/B/Kc - Galvin pops out to 3B
Top of the 8th #9 So RHP McNeillie (2.25, 1-0, 8.0 IP) on the bump B - Cuvet pops out to right
Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs Kc/F/B - Cyr flies out to center 1/2/0/2 Gators 5-2
Man on 1B / 2 outs Kurland HBP
Man on 3B / 2 outs New Earl is #9 Jr LHP Evans (0.00, 0-0, 1.0 IP) B/B/Kc - Lawson singles to left. 1 in.
Man on 2B / 1 out Donay grounds out to C. Boser on 3B.
Man on 1B / 0 outs In case you don’t know, Shelton’s walk up music is “My Girl” We now have a group in the stands that sings along and says “THAT...
Bottom of the 7th B/B - Boser singles past short
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/F/F/F/Runner steals 2B/B - Gonzalez goes down swinging 0/1/0/1 Gators 4-2
Man on 1B / 1 out Kc/Ks/Kc - Torres goes down looking
Man on 1B / 0 outs Ks/F/Kc - Williams goes down looking
Top of the 7th #31 So LHP Menendez (0.00, 1-0, 3.0 IP) on the bump B - Hudson singles to short