SpaceX is far ahead of everyone but Blue Origin is not a legacy company. It was founded within 18 months of SpaceX.
True but the vast majority of the country said they do not want independence if it means a fall in standards. Since the Danish government provides...
No, the question was whether you actually believe Fauci and the Dems tried to kill the country, economy and its people.
No, I don’t have a problem with it. I do have a problem with being crass about it with an ally or, more importantly, not taking military action...
So you don’t want to answer the question? Fine.
You didn’t answer the question. Also, a pardon has benefits beyond the recipient having actually committed any crime, such as forestalling...
So, to be clear, you’re doubling down with your claim that our country’s lead epidemiologist/immunologist and one of two major political parties...
Debate? I don’t know about that when the poster didn’t start with “reality.” Large portion of tax dollars went to Ukraine? Less than 1% of tax...
I can’t imagine it would make any kind of impact in the auto market outside of the region. If 12,000 houses burned and we assumed 2 vehicles per...
There’s a link between narcissism, both at the individual and group level, and susceptibility to conspiracy theories. I think Trump has managed to...
You should hedge against inflation and stock up on aluminum foil. Edit: And clearly I was being too generous with 80.
Ironic this is.
Anyone that believes Fauci and Democrats were trying to kill our country is a lunatic and likely has a sub 80 IQ. You can disagree with their...
Such as? Maybe you need reminders of the Trump administration including the turnover and unprecedented number of them that had his trust and saw...
I’d love to know what the true story is regarding the budget. My latest understanding is that there was a cut to the increase in the budget, not...
I wish I had more professors like that. Seemed like most of mine just bundled a collection of class materials and made us students buy them from...
Ok, the video you showed was of a flat area in a forest where you can run a brush hog. You’re not doing that on the hillsides by Pacific Palisades...
This is not responsive. You won’t find trees like this in the parks on the hillsides around Pacific Palasades. They’re dominated by scrub brush on...
Explain the concept of a controlled burn in the state parks in the Pacific Palisades area. I’d love to know where these “forest of woods” are...
Water systems, like electrical, are not designed for worst case scenarios. That’s basically what people are advocating.