Great start to the half
I love how they never miss a replay for targeting but on a potential first down no replay
Blind side block on a non return...ugh
If we go down and score a td on the 2nd half kickoff then I think we can put the errors of the first half behind us
The emotional ride that Napier takes us Gator fans on is so maddening...every time a glimmer of hope starts to happen that UF might be moving...
It's year 3 and this guy still can't manage these situations with the clock and timeouts.
What a disaster on offense we won't even get a fg
What a mess on offense
If the gators want to win this game they must get a td here
HolY crap the defense is playing amazing
I have no words just don't understand
Feels like we should be up by more......offense has to reward the defense because how long will they hold up
Some coaches have a feel for what to call in crucial situations and others dont
That ut lineman looked off sides
DLINE maybe best quarter of football all year
That 3rd and 1 play call us right into the ut strength and your teams weakness.
Defense is just attacking and playing fast
Happy for the W
Ucf not showing hurry up...don't get it
Gotta get some first downz