Crony capitalism at work.
Ok, sounds good. Cut spending a lot for everything but SS, Medicare and defense, so we can keep spending at current levels and cut federal...
So you want cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits then.
Don't worry, as long as you keep posting that inflation wasn't transitory because prices didn't go back down to pre-inflation levels, I'll be...
Well you seem to be easily offended to me, what with all the anger and insults in your posts. I'm just trying to have a rational conversation...
Maybe we should make this thread a sticky. We can check each item off as Trump accomplishes them.
We lost because you don't understand how inflation works? Ironically there's some truth to that.
Yes, referring to a group of people as cockroaches is really bad and should be condemned. It's not surprising to me though that you don't condemn...
They sure do. And a consequence of this one is going to be a cesspool of bureaucratic incompetence and corruption when Trump gets all his people...
Yeah, figured. Calling any group of people 'vermin' should be condemned. And still waiting for you show me where he is only referring to the...
So it's the deep state that lives like vermin within the confines of our country? Why didn't he say 'deep state' then? And what more context do...
You understand that just presenting a driver's license does not prove that you're a citizen right? A lot of non citizens have DLs. Citizenship...
No, you have no understanding of what inflation is. When people where saying inflation was transitory (which it was) they weren't saying prices...
Well here's the vermin quote. I'm not seeing the part where he says he's only referring to politicians, deep state and illegal immigrants. Can...
Do you know our country doesn't allow non citizens or just anybody to vote either?
Yeah but that was because of all the cheating.
Inflation was transitory. If it wasn't we'd still have high inflation. We don't. You seem to think prices have to go back down to 2020 levels...
It didn't hurt Trump to call half the voters names like 'vermin', 'enemy of the people' and 'the enemy within'. You guys eat that stuff up yet...
Yes, I did a poor job of explaining it. The statement 'When real wages start rising above the rate of inflation' is nonsensical. You would...
Yes you're growing nominal wages faster than inflation. In your chart nominal wages are up 28% and inflation (prices) are up 25%. That means...