If any credit cards remain. Dumb economic joke: In a town is threatened by a hurricane, a man goes to the hardware store looking for a generator....
Ignoring the admiration of a dictator angle for the moment, if Trump wants people to have respect for the office of US president, maybe he should...
They do. Divers remove 31,773 venomous fish from Florida's reefs in record-breaking challenge
This is also a really interesting article! It seems that some are focused on the Pennsylvania result and others on the nationwide result, but...
That is a really interesting article. You see a lot of “person who predicted X now predicts Y” stories, and for the most part these can be...
Certainly I think it is fair to judge the content of the sentences, even if we can’t discern the nature of the mystery syllable.
I agree that we don’t need an aging former coach with little college exp and no exp with recent NIL and recruiting developments. That said, if we...
Ooh, I was willing to accept “occasionally deserve” respect, so this “command” respect is indeed a highlight of the week. :D
I can hear the n word, but looking at the whole video I’m not convinced that’s what he said. An NPR reporter studied it and determined that he...
Pretty thorough article from the WSJ on the pet eating issue as well as more widespread issues of immigration. How the Trump Campaign Ran With...
[IMG] Seize him!
You heard him everybody, all opinions on abortion, Trump, and the one true religion are welcome here! [IMG]
Ironic criticism from someone who is convinced that an entire worldview can be inferred from the presence of a single bumber sticker.
One important test of how just is a government action is whether the same action would be taken regardless of the identity of the...
Using this logic, someone who supports Vivik Ramaswamy is indeed a right leaning pub, so he’s a right leaning pub. Simple conclusion. Except this...
As someone from the middle, I would think you could conceive of an individual who is somewhere between a far right and far left nut job.
Guy who tries to kill Trump turns out to hate Trump, so therefore the democrats need to do damage control? I’m not sure how that follows. Personal...
Too true. Even if this person were a lifelong democrat with a rainbow tattoo and a pendant with Harris’ picture in it, it wouldn’t mean that...
Ha. I think the good life includes some of both. Unfortunately my fishing side has been getting neglected recently, so I need to rectify that. You...
Oh I believe it. I just think we must assume that many other entities are attempting the same mental takeover without being so upfront about their...