There will never be a sentencing. He is above the law.
Also, containment is different from " the fire is out". High winds can carry embers from a " contained" fire and start spot fires as you pointed out.
They'll blame any down turn on the deep state or the dems rinse and repeat.
clean air, water, and land are overrated.
Along with the " nothing to see here" bullshit.
Not enough to make a difference. After the barking dies down, he'll do what ever the hell he wants.
Even if the courts rule against him, I expect the Andrew Jackson card to come out: " let's see them enforce it". If anyone actually thinks the...
Checks and unitary executive just like the p 25 folks want. We ain't seen nothing yet.
The devil is in the details, but eyes glaze over as they prefer platitudes and bumper sticker slogans.
About half the country is ok with Trump and they got enough votes in crucial swing states to take the EC.
Exactly who is going to hold dear leader accountable? Answer: no one. Next..... Oh, there will be some barking in congress, but they won't do jack.
I don't care who releases it, let the list come out and let the chips fall where they may. Put some sunlight on the roaches.
Maga world will celebrate
So IOW he's accusing anyone who questions his orange god of blasphemy. Wear it like a badge.
Where's my fiddle? I need something to do while Rome burns.
A crime that will never be prosecuted.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Our adversaries will be tickled pink to fill the void. Well done, idiots.
Let's pick and choose which states to give aid to depending on their willingness to kiss the emperor's ass. And they like to bitch about being...
So I'm sure he will be more than happy to dole out aid to states he likes and screw the rest. How about CA just keeps the $83 billion is pays in...
You left out the part where I said : " so you are saying they are not citizens" to which you replied " that is exactly what I am saying". Of...