All that's missing are the armbands
Traitor Mark Milley? Seriously? smdh....
best part of sb is the ads. The Chiefs are the new Patriots. May not even watch this year.
Accountability, oversight, checks and balances.... how quaint.....
It's unconstitutional because dear leader said so. That is all that matters.
a chicom conspiracy dammit
This is what the gop wants.
Plus the " nothing to see here" bullshit.
Splintering NATO would be the best news Putin could ever get.
Which organization is next on the chopping block? (Putin votes for NATO being sent packing).
So exactly how is your orange god going to "manage" CA's water for them? You ok with the fed coming into your state and "managing" things too?
So how many trade wars can we engage in all at once? We may find out.
Reminds me of that old show on the History Channel: Life After People where they would depict what things would look like at increasing periods of...
That and if they think they can act with impunity. fafo
Never said I was. That said, I have voted for GOP candidates for potus in the past. Gop is dead to me now as I refuse to kiss the orange god's ass...
Not a cult:rolleyes:
While I share your hope the gop returns to sanity, I'm afraid that is never coming back. In today's gop, Reagan would get called a RINO. Total...
The texas secessionists say hello
and in the same breath, you and your ilk like to bark about " states rights".. So which is it?
So are we for states rights or are we not? Asking for a friend....