Hey, it's kinda nice to not be trashed in one of these for a change.
UF: 24 points. UGA: 14 reckless driving tickets, 4 DUIs, 2 drag racing arrests, and 1 spastic coach bleeding out of his eyebrows while having...
Did you say the seminoles are 1-7? 1-7? That's shocking!!! Who could they have possibly beat?
Been thinking about this for days now. Still got nuthin'. So, to Hell with Georgia.
Our first 7+2 points will come from Smack smacking field goals. But, our first TD will come from a jump pass to Hansen!
I think they dodged WWII...
Not following ya, Wing???
Yep, this guy told me he knew him. Kirby is also from Bainbridge.
Let me get back with you on that.
I think this topic deserves more than a week.
I didn't like playing Miami in the 80s and I don't like it now. Selfish reason, though. Has nothing to do with tradition. I just can't stand...
What cracks me up is if the ball ends up anywhere inside the one yard line, it usually gets spotted directly on the one.
Wow, he probably impressed all 500 fans in the stands last night.
Hey, we have four times the amount of wins that fsu has with one less game played. Go ahead and talk smack to your fsu buddies.
Yep. The teams we have lost to this year are a collective 21-2 and were ranked 6th, 7th, and 14th before this week. And, we still have to play...
Even lost to the spread.
Prayers up David.
Putting you on ignore now. Nothing but anti-Gator drivel comes out of your posts. Bye bye.
Take a pain pill, Doc. This is the post game thread and we played a complete game and won convincingly. Maybe enjoy it for five minutes.
Makes sense, but, we actually heard that exact thing last year.