Based on what? MAGA feels? Meanwhile, is Marjorie Traitor Green still quoting her commie friend Noam Chomsky?
Just wait until there are no more Woke Dragons to slay. My bad, they'll just invent some.
I have no such contention. Given you obviously follow this a lot more closely than I do, I acquiesce.
Typical liberal
Because anything that's not in lockstep/goosestep with MAGA is LiBerAl? Simple minds need simple concepts.
What's up with all these facts and stuff? Typical liberal.
I love it. Good for you!!
The poster, but probably both.
They wanted more. They settled for that after the uproar. God forbid they have to see the rabble walk by.
So, let me get this straight. You have a problem with people not allowing you to fish under their docks, but you think they own all the property...
Beaches are public. Always have been and always should be. If you don't like that, move to Georgia or buy on a lake. . . or stay in NY! Hilarious...
No. We have people with multi-decade careers spanning several administrations, some R and some D. We're now going back to the Pre-Rutherford B...
Get off My Beach Law. Carpetbagger signed it, with no sense of shame, as the Governor of Florida. Tells me everything I need to know about that...
When you've got nothing upstairs, lean on that crutch! And lean, lean, lean they do. Every minute of every day.
Because they're stupid and that's all they've got. And that's just objective truth, not rhetoric. It's always the dumbest thing I've ever heard. ....
"Again, drunken tailgate shouting at opposing fans as they pass by. It all begins and ends right there for MAGA." If you're looking for...
They are NEVER giving up this crutch. It's all they have. Watch how desperate they get as time goes on as they search high and wide for any crumb...
Yes, but every time you roll your eyes, MAGA sees that as a win. Remember the MAGA Prime Directive: "Own Libs". Nothing they say or do ever rises...
With what? They're already on the ropes. Should we just finish them off? I say bust into 3 companies (Commercial, Military, Space) and full...
Aw, and I thought it was such a good "burn".