Even the announcers made a comment about our guys swinging too hard at the curveballs.
Rally time!
I really hope they go winless the rest of the year.
Is it anti-baseball fan to absolutely loathe the abbreviation for velocity? I mean, does it really take that long to say the whole word?
LSU baseball is so easy to hate.
Way to bust out of it, Luke!
Got to limit this to 1.
He looks like the guy Doc Holliday shoots in the head on tombstone
Travinski is such a turd
Yeah, with his performance at the plate this weekend you'd think he'd have been screaming out of the box for a hit instead of watching it roll.
Fastest way to see a replay on the net?
How have these guys not perfected the bunt by their so year of high school?
2 run bomb here please! Let's steal this one!
I think they are intimidated by lsu a bit. Taking this series will help change that.
Our whole team is in a slump. It's contagious.
I assume the coaches know this and are telling him to dial it down?
As a batter, that's got to feel great.
Eh, not hard when most are layups.
It wouldn't be UF basketball win if we weren't down by double digits in the first half