Lack of talent.
And after all that, if our team could have simply snapped the ball after a first down and spiked it to set up a fluid field goal try like 130...
9-10 wins next year? Lol. Who's straight out of their minds?
Sure could use Hopper right about now.
He blamed the monumental screw up at the end where he cost us 5 yards and iced his own kicker (... lost UF the game) on a single player who...
I predict a lot of mental stress ahead for all parties involved, especially her daughter and the 16yr old kid. No winners here. Not even really...
I stream and I miss the hell out of cable. So easy to use/navigate.
Gator Growl - Wikipedia List of performers. Sinbad was my freshman year. Only one I attended. Don't remember much about it, to be honest.
No, it's cnbc. I only watch squawk box in the am. Well, when I have the ability to mute the tv. I don't watch any msm national news stations....
You sure about that? Every single commercial is either flaming homosexuals peddling HIV prep, or news anchors bashing Republicans. It's probably...
This is what's kllling Americans. And the health care system. I didn't need to read this article to know it. I have eyeballs. "In 1990, 11.6...
Why go to college if you can make millions as a social media influencer? I graduated from UF in Building Construction. While I learned almost...
Seems pretty simple and logical (unless you are here just to argue or pick a fight). Utilize English as a primary language and take advantage of...
I wish he would have asked his English TA to proof his text. Butchered the hell out of our poor little language. Good luck to him.
Great match on right now. Go Ben!
Lagway better be all sec. Quickly.
Mullen coached under Urban forever and he didn't seem to care about losing as a HC. I don't think that personality trait is contagious, unfortunately.
Couldn't read the article, but I'm guessing the answer is obesity. Just look around next time you are out in public. It's an epidemic.