Trump missed his calling as a park ranger. Several years ago he came up with a “jenius” idea to stop wildfires in CA namely “rake your forests”.....
Gag order coming? How bout prison. Any other person would be. Trump is engendering /enabling so much hate I am starting to feel someone will...
I’m sure you’d like it not to be so but it is. Ha ha ha!
Too cold. Though I know some expats who live out of the London and really like the gun free safe lifestyle.
Actually he argued the valuation was too high..
By no definition of the word is Trump org massive except for the fraud it has perpetuated over the decades. It’s a criminal enterprise and is...
I bet you own a gun. But seriously how do you manage to get through life so uninformed? Troubling.
Half of the purchase was his own funds (via Tesla stock) 13B from banks (apparently they rapidly offloaded the loans so no real exposure) and the...
Hmm. It’s up on mediaite
Dude this has been painstaking explained to your fellow Trumpaloons upthread. Please read before further embarrassing yourself. I understand you...
He’s such a tool… Elon Musk Had a Disastrous Livestream at the Border While Wearing His Cowboy Hat Backwards
I have triple citizenship Ireland UK and American
The hell with that. I’ve lived abroad and travelled extensively. Many wonderful places to live and I have the resources to do it. I see what’s...
I don’t do cold. Spain, Portugal or Panama for me. Have to stick around as long as me parents are around
he was similarly great in Vice Principals also with McBride.
GOP is/has wrought the ruination of the US. It seems shockingly fast to me. I’m 100% resolved I’m getting out while the getting is good.
depends on who he’s talking to…
generally speaking all reasonable people have it in for that racist, fascist, sadistic, bigoted slimeball.
Reading Twitter so. I don’t have to watch. Is DeSatan a real live boy? [MEDIA]
Not watching a single moment.