So you don’t think Gen Z cares about abortion. You must think black people are stupider than his white supporters to think they believe whatever...
Looks like you could limit that to one commandment pretty easily.
And a political party that ignores both.
So not the millions quoted in the Bible but hundreds maybe a couple of thousand. Did you read what you posted?
Not by anyone who studies history.
Someone once said prayer will exist in school as long as there are pop quizzes.
Aren’t there something like 650 commandments in the Old Testament
Providence day school in North Carolina is an example of this. It was started in response to forced integration. It amuses me now that they give...
Vouchers are better in theory than in practice.
I prefer George Carlin’s two commandments.
How do you work this out with exodus being almost completely fictitious. There was never a great number of Jews in Egypt.
I am not a candidate for president. Being senile seems to be a prerequisite. You came awfully close to a personal attack there.
No we should get our energy from the Middle East. What could go wrong?
Didn’t Crichton write the book rising Sun in the 80s? I remember a movie starring Sean Connery.
It seems a big investment for a possibility.
I wonder how much of the value is based on foreign actors buying access.
Rick has taken this thread far off the original topic. lol. I usually do this thought it would be fun to call someone else out for it.
So you are against what our country was founded on?
Yes look at what we did to the aboriginal Americans. We all are immigrants here. I have always wanted to ask this of someone. If you had a Time...
I think written words are better than visuals. Maybe we process it in a different section of our brain. I realize that most of the “good”...