Biden: "Securer of the border, champion of domestic oil production, and greatest defender of Israel." The fact that Democrats feel the need to...
Belief in this statement is a solid litmus test as to whether you'll believe anything the Democratic Party tells you.
Yes, because NOT changing the rules is what Democrats do best.:D
All 9 agreed on the outcome. But the circle jerk needs to find a reason to bitch and moan because that’s what they do best.
Which two should Trump not have been allowed to pick? The argument I’ve heard is McConnell flipped the standard on the Barrett nomination. But...
You’re asking the wrong guy. His schtick is “trust me, I’m a lawyer. If you’re skeptical, you’re stupid.”
Love how you still manage to fabricate controversy out of a 9-0 decision.
Yes, lol. If Israel is always nice to Gaza, Israel dies. If Gaza is always nice to Israel, Israel and Gaza coexist in peace.
"If we just make nice with the Nazis, they'll go away and stop killing Jews, guys."
You poo-pooed the period in which they were elected by suggesting it was out of protest... as though a protest vote justifies voting for actual...
No, it's not convenient. Israel is going to have to live with their sins. But that's the point. They value life, they care. I'm just part of the...
You know Too Hot has gone off the deep end when posters like this one are quicker to justify a vote for Hamas, a group devoted to the...
Right. Good thing the terrorists always have a label on them indicating that they're the baddies, and good thing Hamas hasn't used women and...
And what would “a consistent effort to not target civilians” look like? Because all I’ve seen you cite is body count.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
You have repeatedly said “Israel needs to tone it down if they want more US funding.” Since you’re so serious, what’s that look like exactly? Is...
Yet here you are. You just keep coming back.
Might as well compare the US in Vietnam to Hamas. After all, we forced people into military service, right?
Somebody needs to watch the videos of October 7th. At this exact moment in time. No. As of early 2024, they cannot destroy Israel, at least not...
You don’t have any answer. Shouting at Israel to be more precise in their targeting of Hamas is not an answer.