Once you understand mainstream news is about entertainment and not news, you’re halfway there
So about 2 years ago I started a thread on this very board that said the world needed to hold China accountable for their role in the...
I guess. Hard to imagine Putin invading Ukraine to simply destroy the enemy. This has been going on forever. Georgia, Crimea, now Ukraine. Putin...
I smoked but I did not inhale
Depends on what “winning” looks like to him. I always supposed that to be occupation of Ukraine. Can’t occupy something that’s glowing. Maybe his...
I think the chance of a tactical nuke in Ukraine is essentially zero. You don’t nuke a place you want to occupy. You might nuke the people...
Well, no shit. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knew exactly what they were doing as it did a slow pass over our air space. Too bad...
The primary reason I changed my mind. Governments foul up all the time. There's no coming back from an error in these cases.
This is why I have softened on the death penalty over the years. Too much potential for wrong guy. I used to be staunchly in favor. I'm now...
BS reason to go after UF for doing what everyone else is doing already.
This has 1984 written all over it
I could have gone all day without seeing that. Thanks City
Now that explanation, I'll buy.
I've been trying for a hot minute to figure out which poster you are arguing with. I think I have it figured out, finally.
It might. My assessment is that we project weakness when we allow violations of our airspace. Maybe that assessment is wrong. Seems to me it...
I bet they don’t fly over the length of China, at least not while known by the CCP (balloons, not spy planes)
Not sure why I think government officials would lie? Man do we have different worldviews :)
Recovery, I’ll buy. Safety, hard pass.
Quite a false equivalency there, don’t you think?
I suspect shooting it down over Montana would have killed no one. Just about as likely as hitting a person in Montana as hitting a person in a...