Tempting me to do that lame message board "reading comprehension" retort. Trump watched, and did NOTHING to stop it, while his violent rubes...
Didn't watch. But I'll take that over a traitor who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election and happily watched for hours as...
Astounding that that double talk shtick still works for that guy.[ATTACH]
Maybe in the spirit of friendship we should send someone to help them get tough on crime. Perhaps make this certain someone a permanent resident...
Ouch. You batter me with verbal blows, as if from a Trumpian war hammer- weilded with as much force as from a member of the Trump family...
I'd say she causes us less misery than the convicted felon who is awaiting sentencing and may still face JAIL TIME........who YOU are happy to be...
Also the EPA and OSHA. We don't need no environmental or worker protections.
Ouch. You smite me. So you admit that you lovingly support a dishonest person. Must feel good.
Well it's certainly good that at least you've found a very honest man like Donald Trump amongst this sea of vile corruption that you so strongly...
It really could should be more if you count the election fraud cases where he's only named a co-conspirator.
No, but wouldn't it be great if it could be the guy who enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election and watched while the Capitol...
Precisely who...was fixing...what....when they LET him debate? Doubt I'll get an answer. But it sure is really really unfair to that rapey...
It's interesting to watch the British Conservatives get pulverized for their idiotic nationalism and isolationism best exemplified by Brexit.......
Of course the POTUS isn't responsible for Fed policy. You didn't know that? Sad. Go read some books about economics or something. #SAD! Also,...
Some things are better, as a whole, well.....socialized. And don't get triggered by that scary buzz word unless you favor a private military and...
Defrauding charities, like the guy YOU will vote for? Why do you support a CRIMINAL? (quick, pretend this criminality I linked to didn't happen!...
I agree. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] I found a picture that really goes well with your Truthful post...
Congratulations. And yeah, Trump is no different than....any federal politician. That's why he was twice impeached, four times indicted of 91...