Attending the stupid clown school is like being in the circus.
First election I’m not excited about and I’m 71.
Aren’t most all Christians right?
Wish the world would see Russia in the same light.
Any time I have a gun and I’m involved with an officer I verbally let them know. In this case I would not have opened the door and told the...
DR Horton can only do what the county and state allow them to do. Let’s put the blame on government that allows it. Government elected by the people.
Robbers do knock on doors but most don’t. And most don’t come to do a crime unless they think you are away. There is no robber protocol.
I’m not sure if anything has changed since I attended the academy in 1977. I was taught to not stand in front of a door while answering a...
There are white elastomeric roof coverings that can be applied with a roller over flat roofs. The difference in heat absorbed vs black is amazing....
Their message is clear but presented in a bad way. I’m curious who made the ad and who approved it? That might give us a clue as to why it was...
The woman is a tool and a dull one at that. SMDH
That’s rediculous. He should be in for at least 10-15. Then on probation for 10 once he gets out.
I’m not voting for Trump and stated it numerous times. If he’s not eligible due to any laws or rules he should not be allowed to run. Other than...
lol You know a student will be asked to stop before any enforcement. If he was a democrat you would be kissing his sasse.
Your last sentence is BS. You and I know that.
Qualified is in the mind of the beholder.
If the protests keep going we are going to see more counter protesters and fights between them.
The earth is tired of being abused and has decided to eliminate some of its problems, human beings.
Sasse has a comment in the Wall Street Journal. I looked and couldn’t find it. Would someone with a scrip look it up and comment? Apparently the...
Reminds me of Hanoi Jane who should have been hung for treason when she returned from North Vietnam. Instead some “Amerikans” celebrated her.