I looked and couldn't find, that is why I started a new thread.
Not worshiping orange man!! Considering the text just came out on the bill yesterday, I will reserve my judgement of bill until I have an...
I am saying we discussed that the US was giving pre-paid credit cards to migrants, and we got laughed off the board. It appears it is true. I'm...
Neither was climate hypocrite Kerry after Trump won in 2016. Didn't slow him down one bit!
I don't recall any of the Jounalist saying that looked at any of the documents. I think you are trying to conflate your hatred of DT into...
Stawman? So, abortion is not killing a developing human?
Well, you stated that the plan had to change since Trump revealed them. Holding up some documents vs discussing and revealing what they say are...
For crying out loud!!!!! A simple memo was written, not some big campaign to change anything. Hell, the confused are the ones that say sex...
Just listened to it. Hardly a release of the attack plan, is it? Or am I missing something?
Behind pay wall
That is fine and I respect that you apologized to him. I myself have never served in the military and I was just wondering your perspective as a...
So unfettered access to killing a developing human is saving democracy?
I thought you guys said this election was going to be about abortion? It doesn't get double digits by either party. Hmmmm...
Link to what he released?
Polls in February never mean a lot, but I would sure rather be leading then trailing. I agree the VP choice for Trump will have more impact than...
As a serviceman what do you think we should do? I think if we whack some of the proxies that is a good thing, but I don't believe Iran really...
I know you will disagree, but if you put your hands on, swing and connect with a cop, you should be out in jail. I'm defending all cops and some...
Well considering that NY eliminated bail for most offenses, not holding them in jail wasn't an option.
I agree to an extent, but I don't believe anyone is walking into Publix without the realization that their prices are higher and are willing...