You may think 4 years is not much, but I believe when we are young and when we are old 4 years seems to mean more. Example may not like but...
It could be my reading comprehension, but I pasted a couple excerpt from the link. Overview Under the final rule, noncitizens who cross the...
The easiest regulation to state is an asylum seeker must request in the country he arrives first in to before they come to the US or be ineligible...
I think the new bill has several good points in it, but I also believe as you read through it, it allows for a lot of discretion of enforcing...
I would refer you to post 92. The policies in the new bill are fine until you see that it is at the discretion of the secretary and president as...
My new regular reply when trying to have any type of discussion with you! *Will be deleted*
*Insult deleted*
Oh and by the way, Biden was building new wall before this bill ever came to light....
Have you read the text of the bill? I firmly believe the holdout from the pubs, is there is way too much discretion given to the secretary and...
My smarta$$ remark!! Just what we needed was for law firms to stay open!!!! LOL. Just playin
We had the opportunity to try it out but decided that might make China mad so let it do its thing first, then we will be tough and shoot it down...
All these antiwallites think that the wall is so ineffective, but their beloved President just approved increase wall construction and the new...
It's a shame that laser couldn't have taken out the Chinese spy balloon before it flew across America.
Here are a few of Kerry's escapades while not in office....
From the reactions in the sanctuary cities, that have been sent migrants, it appears we are not setup to handle them either.
All I have to say is for the hated expressed here for DT, and the demise of democracy if he is elected, you should dislike JB, because if the dems...
A wall is part of the new bill everyone seems to be touting
I don't believe I am being lied to because I didn't say anything that you are not saying? I didn't say it was granting anything to the migrant?...
Oh yes, I think the previous was a sheriff from a border town and was really just speculation. Well, here we are now, it is happening. And to...
So do you really think this administration may act before the number gets to 5000? I would more assume they will eliminate the limit and go back...