Depends on what their MAGA handlers told them to think that day.
I kind of hope they do. It would be an absolute nightmare.
Oh, it will be. But you'll never admit it. You wouldn't call him out on anything, that's how much of a mindless flag waver you are.
Apparently MAGA is all about platitudes.
Hmm. I suspect you guys would actually cry if that happened. The drunken tailgate needs opposing fans to shout at or the drunks just pass out.
That's actually the norm.
Sorry, but taking it to this extreme is all on MAGA.
California is LiBeRaL. Goes no further than that.
But isn't he working on his own battery factories. Or maybe he isn't. Still pretty close to Xi and still has a large stack of chips on China. . ....
Fair enough.
It's not age, it's race and you know it. Again, he trades on his (loose) ties to the Civil Rights movement and ability to sway black voters....
And again, we're not letting those cars in. So, what good was it to build all those cars? China's population and consumption are collapsing and...
That's less about tech than it is the massive subsidization of that industry by the CCP. If you saw similar efforts here you'd see similar or...
That was a bad look that pushed a lot of people to MAGA. I voted for him in 2016 and a lot of my motivation was anger at the BS the D party was...
Good ole Jim Clyburn. . . best friend for-profit healthcare ever had. The personification of the problem we're currently discussing. Trades on his...
Preaching to the choir. Say what you want, but in hindsight, maybe it would have been better to roll the dice with Sanders instead of Clinton in...
Great. Maybe better use of buttons. Disagree Bacon was probably the better choice as it was clearly on topic.
Jack of all Trades, Master of None. Try to please everyone. Please nobody. Sate the political needs of Bernie Sanders wing. . . . and the...
How is it off topic? It directly related to and references YOUR QUESTION. Maybe we should go lookup the word "Context" before we post again.
Well, we know the answer if it was a year ago. In fact, you and your MAGA boys would probably be rooting for our enemy. Oh, wait. . . .