Men on 1B & 2B / 2 outs Kc/B/B/Kc/F/B/B - Stripling walks
Hitting is contagious
Man on 1B / 2 outs B/B/B/Kc/F - Kurland singles thru left gap
No one on / 2 outs Lawson singles to right
Man on 2B / 2 outs B - Donay HOMERS
E3 on previous play Man on 2B / 2 outs F/Ks/B/B - Shelton hits to 3B and bad throw brings one in and Shelton on 2B.
No one on / 2 outs New Earl is #28 So RHP Starling (19.64, 0-0, 3.2 IP) B/B - Boser pops up in the infield and ends up on 2B. Oops!
No one on / 1 out Kc/B - Yost flies out to left
Bottom of the 7th New Earl is #41 RSo LHP Cone (0.00, 0-0, 2.2 IP) Nadeau grounds out to P
He pitched last night
Bases loaded / 2 outs Kc/Ks/F/Ks - Collins goes down swinging 2/4/0/3 Gators 3-2
Men on 1B & 3B / 2 outs Sully comes out to sit Menendez. Next is #37 So RHP Jenkins (4.50, 0-0, 2.0 IP) Ks/B/Kc/F - Bush HBP
Men on 1B & 3B / 2 outs Kc - Bates singles to right/center. 1 in.
Man on 1B / 2 outs Kc/B/F/B/B/F - Moore singles thru left gap.
Men on 1B & 3B / 1 out Rodriguez sits and next is #So LHP Menendez (0.00, 1-0, 3.0 IP) - guess we ran out of Freshmen F/Kc/B - White flies out to...
Man on 1B / 1 out F/B/Ks/F - Monile singles to shallow right. Runner on 3B.
No one on / 1 out B/Kc/Ks - Leinenbach singles to shallow right
Top of the 7th Kc - Ordonez pops out to center. WOW! I never thought he’d get there in time.
No one on / 2 outs Kc/B/B/Ks/Ks - Cyr goes down swinging 0/0/0/0 Gators 3-0
No one on / 1 out B/B - Stripling flies out to center