ABC has not been kind to Donald.
She's not wrong.
I figured it out. Turn on close captions. Mute trump and unmute Kamala. Same content, different levels of irritation.
"you are a disgrace" The next 35 minutes will be wild.
I love this: [MEDIA]
She should stop and ask to see the bullet wound.
Trump trying to fight facts now.
9:27 ET - VP is winning
Talk about a conflict to our Gator fans who are in the Trigger Happy Crew: [MEDIA]
Well, the facts are true. The conclusions are idiotic. We live amongst neanderthals.
There is economic growth in Springfield. The influx of eager workers has revitalized the community. Amazon Haitians didn’t gather together with a...
It is only being ignored if the premise is "Haitians in Springfield is bad". That is not what is being discussed here. Sounds like economic...
Are you proud of believing messages straight from the facist playbook? Com'n river! Nobody is actually gonna report their dog was killed and...
It would be interesting to ask these gumps that believe the current faux scandal about the prior one. Were kids pooping in litterboxes last year?...
You are not making any sense. Are you okay? Maybe I can't follow your torrent of logical fallacies. Can you recap your position?