Your take is wishful thinking. We’re happy to hear your inputs on NC, but please don’t read democrat rags and then comment on Florida races. Her...
Was also drafted by the Red Sox I believe.
Let’s not kid ourselves here. Mullen NEVER called an offense like the one we ran with Trask either before 2019 or since 2020. He had no clue...
Thats what I expected from your narrow mind. Now ask yourself; At what cost did those 30 million get coverage?
Did you forget that she’s a Democrat?
Willy isn’t as slick as he used to be. He also probably scratches his head a lot at the Dems saying “WTF are they doing”. I’m pretty sure that...
Again, in your all or nothing limited capacity, you are missing my point. Neither party has been looking out for what’s best for the most people...
This nonsense is why Jo is Jo and most of the rest of us speak as if we actually had a functioning brain. There were much better and more cost...
Coaches are damned if they do, and dammed if they don’t. If we make it, Napier has balls and he’s a hero for a week. If we don’t make it, then...
That’s quite a reach, even for you.
And Jo’s perfect record of nonsensical posts continues.
Why would she say anything now. She’s (as has the entire Democrat party) been lying for four years about Biden’s obviously impaired mental capacity.
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Amazing how Putin wasn’t evil when Obama was in office even though his actions were the same as they have been under Biden....
Thank you for putting sanity back in this conversation!
You are both more than welcome to both come anytime to try to close it! USAToday is not exactly supportive of republicans in general and Trump in...
She did but he probably ruined his shorts
Well then why don’t you shut up and go find out Jo? Instead we have to listen to your ridiculous rants based on what “you bet” and what “I...
The crooked ACC had their refs step in and help FSU in three games last year, one of which was Miami. Maybe that means that Miami gets up to...
Agree, but aren’t poster children supposed to be cute??
Oh I’m perfectly calm watching you embarrass yourself. Sometimes you surprise with rhe level of your ignorance but it doesn’t upset me. It’s...