I think you were responding to a question about personal injury suits... ? I will add that in the case of property insurance, the huge push was...
Just keep in mind that subprime lending is only a slice of the overall vehicle lending market - my google fu says around 15%. This subset is made...
WOW! That's just crazy...
Understood. Just like we saw with college tuition, the cheap borrowed money allowed prices to explode.
Now it's really sinking in just how insanely low rates have been the past few years. I remember buying my first house in 2002 for 6.375%, and at...
I wonder how much of that is franchise fees vs. purchase of food and supplies from the Corp. I mean, if you're gonna run a McDonalds, I'm pretty...
Been streaming on a plane at 30,0000ft. Now on final descent, heading to a bar near the airport to catch the 2nd half. GO GATORS!
No, KC. We were just on the same connecting leg from ATL to LEX.
We had a fun flight to Lexington yesterday. On the connection from Atlanta, Mertz' parents were sitting in the row in front of us, and the gator...
Careful, your "old guy" is showing. :D
Hollywood sequel/reboot-itis hits television, lol. Loved The Office. I expect to be underwhelmed by a retread. We'll see what they can do!
Whoa, just flipped to watch osu turn it over on downs inside the 10!
Lack of companies willing to pay for commercials in a streaming only game
I want a safety!
Our best play of the half! :D
Not even sure why that needed reviewing...