Ok, sure. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4831982-tim-walz-vp-nominee-favorability/ Walz has a positive 5-point net favorability score,...
It's their motto.
I am older and very unhip, I will assume this is a compliment.:)
Something I often think about. I view the role of CiC as the most important part of the presidency, but I am obviously biased. The president...
You see that in most of his supporters here on THFSG. More and more crazy stuff and outright lies. It's all very interesting.
That was me being diplomatic. If I said what I really thought about trump and the people that support him, I would be perma banned from this site.
Yeah, markets rebounded (for now) and once again I was able to cash out some at a great return because I have a basic understanding of finance and...
Why was she put thru the trauma of identifying the pervert? I imagine they had all sorts of good footage of him on the CCTV.
I check portfolio and balance checking account/CC every weekend. Some great run-ups in the market since this post. Big celebration for my...
Hopefully the Secret Service will get their crap together so they will be prepared for these guys when they take a swipe at trump.
I doubt the OP wants to actually have a serious discussion about her promise, but here is a little hint. Don't start with a source that is known...
So one candidate knows a cross dresser, the other one is a cross dresser? Got it.
Speaking of sheep! Breitbart? Someone actually goes to breitbart and considers it a source? Amazing.
Amazing that any American could support a pos like Trump with all he has said to slander the military. Puts someone like Limbaugh (a world class...
Trump could curb stomp a Medal of Honor recipient on national TV and his followers would be fine with that.
So after 9 pages of stupid, we have learned two things. Maga will take stupid stuff out of context and try making it a big deal but ultimately...
You are right, not sure why I try. The hypocrisy is crazy.
So you think Walz is a liar, but you support Trump?
Why get in the way of his self destruction? Didn't maga say Biden hid in his basement for the election? I don't know, maybe he did. I do know...