Yikes. Florida only has one timeout left with a lot of time on the clock. Arkansas has all three.
All tied up again at 12:54 in 4Q.
Love the emotional roller coaster. YAY! We scored! Yuck, we botched the point after.
Wow. Just what the doctor ordered. Turnover.
Asked. If not injury related it might be his weakness in pass protection.
My friend is giving live reports from the game. He says the crowd is not very excited, somewhat uneasy. The fans have not given up but they need a...
I am happy. With my heart rate this high I can skip gym day on Monday.
Just a Little miss by the kicker.
Arkansas now at 67.4% probability of win.
Honor in at quarterback for Excellence.
Tackled by Snaxx.
Love the tempo. Snapped the ball at 20 seconds instead of 22 seconds. Got ‘em.
Integrity (Johnson) with the ball integrity on that run.
Jalen Kimber plays football. Sometimes. Good kid, but man…
I can see why the line kept going up and down before settling around 3.
Finally saw a good replay angle.
I could not see the ball come out. Assuming the Gators will not get that call.
I guess my prediction of 21-14 Gators is out the window.
Another TD for Honor (Tre Wilson)!