If I was a stoner that drove impaired I’d carry a set of crutches with me. Tell the officer I sprained my left ankle and need them for assistance...
In Japan it’s pronounced,,,,, Erection humor.
The constitution, SCOTUS, and congress limit a presidents power and ability to make laws. We saw what we had with Trump as president then what...
They invented jorts.
Wink, wink
I saw a commercial where Trump endorsed amendment 3. Last I checked he was head MAGA.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
Fwiw You can get a card in Florida by visiting a doctor and stating you need it for sleep, nausea, PTSD, anxiety, etc. Easy peasy. Those that...
None yo bizzness
America is a country of choices. You vote when you prefer and I’ll vote when I prefer. It’s like eating out. There’s a menu to choose your food...
If I remember correctly the new Florida law requires a reserve study and fully funded reserves as of a specific date? Fully funded can be done...
I’m talking about N Korea sending their soldiers to Russia to fight in Ukraine. Once they move from Russia to Ukraine that’s basically an invasion.
Of course. What I don’t see is calling a fighting soldier an advisor. We will know soon enough.
Classic pay me now or pay me later.
Agree sort of. But I don’t think it matters with this admin. They are all in no matter how much or little knowledge they have. With the leak...
I wouldn’t tell the US govt. anything. Can’t be trusted
You can call a pig a watermelon. It changes nothing.
The owners are the association. You’d be suing yourself. And Florida law didn’t require it. The board of directors put the vote to the owners,...
Sending 1500 troops into another country is an invasion. North Korea has invaded Ukraine once that occurs.