Don't get Bobby started...
We talkin' 'bout Strong Finnish? [ATTACH]
He's kidding man.
It's Great To Be a Nole Deflator.
Baugh is shifty. That one slide before he bursts adds at least five yards to his average.
My wife says she's still laughing all the way to the bank.
RH is O Negative.
In answer to the OP's question, two.
He's a troll. Don't bother with him.
He could actually still hit the bottom of that range this year.
Did everyone else opt out? ;)
Pre-season rankings are completely meaningless wild-ass guesses. They shouldn't even release a poll until after Week One.
And, Senior Day at fsu means just five more years to go.
Yo, Aiden!
Shower maintenance.
He's telling recruits he wants someone that wants to come to fsu to make them better. Better than 1-9? That's pretty much anyone.
Wow, was that a poorly-written article. Probably an fsu grad. Good to see they are sweating bullets.
We were noticing that at the game. Despite the crazy lopsided time of possession, we weren't seeing a lot of guys sucking wind with hands-on-hips.
This thread title scared the hell out of me.
Plenty left, and, I'll get another Saturday.