First of all Biden does not even know where the border is. He is just doing and saying what he is told unless he gets off course and then who...
They are probably on the way to get you now.
They will never be enough money to do that. They would just piss it away.
And I guess you don't like this part "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Other than the fact she had no idea why or what she was shooting at.
Smuggling guns to the Mexican cartel like Obamas Operation Fast and Furious? It sounds to me like you don't like the 2nd amendment. So who should...
What are these lax gun laws you are speaking of? The lax part is that when the police arrest a felon with a gun he or she is back on the street...
And there is a good chance the guns used were not bought legally. Probably used by felons that can not by law have a gun. People that shoot other...
I remember Syracuse had Ronnie Seikaly. I hated that guy and it made it that much more painful when the Gators lost to them.
You would have thought he could have hooked her up with a nice job in Ukraine or China.
And then who should they vote for? Have you seen the other choice? He has his own mental problems and questionable money issues with other countries.
Until all the laws and regulations make it cost 10 times what China will sell it for.
Hard to say. Of course based on that story he will be arrested and charged for murder. Then again there may be others saying something different....
I have been in the insurance business in Gainesville for 40 years. Rates have increased big time since covid from just what I see at my agency and...
It sure looked like it to me. Coach played the bench more the first half than he has all year I thought. That was probably because he knew they...
I have had mine since 1980 and don't go anymore much. Let the kids use them. Not sure I will continue much longer though.
Splitting those two road games is not bad in this league. Would have been nice to take both but it didn't happen.
Had two good shots at it and both came up short. Just did not have that extra energy at the end of the game.
Bench getting a lot of minutes it seems. Probably a good idea after overtime and a short reest.