This is a crazy video of how the water was built in Chimney Rock. [MEDIA]
Unless we are sending that money to Lebanon, TN. They were west of the storm though. [MEDIA]
America Last. [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] We are not working or nothing.
$750 trending on Twitter. America Last.
What lies? The migrant crisis that the Biden administration created is depleting our country of its resources. To say differently is beyond...
Let's not be ridiculous. If it is true that FEMA funds have been sent to support the illegals this administration is busing and flying in; then...
Your President is flying illegals into the country.
You may want to look into foreign ownership of your brain.
It has to be dealt with now. Foreign ownership of our ports must be eliminated. All machinery now and in the future automation process must be...
Moderators should never be fact-checkers, especially when they are continually wrong. [MEDIA]
They certainly care about him. [MEDIA]
The cult that grows your food, delivers your food, builds your roads, fixes your home (keeps the lights on, the pipes flowing, the AC working),...
Yes, Microsoft-owned MSN is so very conservative. Plenty of links for you: Diners tear into Kamala Harris' campaign for kicking them out of...
yah total boss move. she kicked out the local patrons and brought in her own phony patrons. MSN
and we sent 700 TN National Guard to the Middle East Tennessee National Guard Task Force deploying to Middle East Luckily, we have Samaritan's...
No support. He's a loser and a terrible mayor. He's a loser who called out the Biden regime and will now pay for it. He's a loser who gave...
as soon as this guy shared his frustration with the unsustainability of letting illegals pour over the border, he was under investigation.
This is a great live hurricane site. Hurricane Helene LIVE Tracker, Updates & Forecast | Zoom Earth
You are embarrassing yourself.