Curtis I am appalled at being left out,brotherhood means nothing?
Filler from uf minus 4 through 17,solo 2nd,top 30 and ties play saturday.looks like a nole is leading at minus 5, belive scores carry over.
brackets in any sport are like bellybuttons, everyone has one.
i hear cops in athens do that............
so much for the change up leading to midweek, same old garbage.
cannot believe we can not get out of the first inning in a midweek game w/o giving up at least 3 runs,ridiculuos
so how do you think customers will react to a 8.00 big mac? me, i say they stop going causing even more layoffs, price increases, a vicious circle.
my concern is this is a typical liberal let's stick it to big business law, lets make their profits shrink not thinking of the long range affect...
or maybe the biden economy is so bad they need to work more than 1 job to make ends meet, if they can afford the gas in their cars to drive to a job.
but this is not a bullshit reason, it will be a direct affect of the law newsom signed, too bad chipolte got caught.
so if higher wages are good for some, but others lose their jobs is that ok with you? maybe the ones who keep their jobs and higher wages will...
the truth that people will lose jobs and prices will rise due to this must escape you.
and again you reply, if you do not like, do not respond. simple 101.