Yep, their visit was the best days i’ve had in a long while but boy am i tired.
From Doug Balloon NYTpitchBot: Americans knowingly elected a rapist who's been convicted of 34 felonies and was charged with dozens more. But...
Lighten up honey. It was funny. I guess you had to be here. Sorry i hurt your feelings. Boys that age are fascinated by farts. A 2 and a 4 year...
No they all think farts are funniest thing ever. I gave them a fart machine so they just mash the fart button.
I’ve got 3 grandsons under 5 in the house. I’ve already got them making fart noises every time we see trump on TV. There’s hope.
you cant be serious. Nearly 3 years into a war with a country with a much smaller force under arms and they had to start importing a foreign...
Please get busy —- Billy N.
As far as ability to turn a phrase this one is as good as Agnew’s Nattering nabobs of negativism.
Hell no. Put him in the prison cell between Menedez and trump
One feature of Blue Sky that I’m starting to appreciate is the lack of porn so far. On X way over half of my “followers” use photos of half-naked...
So this is a good thing? I didn’t know that. Why only a couple of months ago Bidenflation was ruining the economy.
Well Bill, here they are - at least the beginning. He announced tariffs of 25% on imports from Mexico and Canada will occur on day 1. How Much...
Similar to the experience of my DIL. She travels a good bit meeting with investors around the world. When she goes to certain ME countries or...
You have a lot of emotion but few facts. By the end of June 2020, at least 14,000 people had been arrested.[4][38][39] By June 2020, more than 19...
I held out on my wife once to teach her a lesson. Didn't turn out like I had thought it would
Agreed. I Had a male doctor do it. He had his right hand on my right shoulder and his left hand in - no that's not right He had his left hand on...
Thanks for providing insights from your experience as a FED. I have similar impressions from working with feds from a few agencies. Great people...
Wow, lose $37B here and $37B there and pretty soon it adds up to some real money
Are you saying that Elon paid $44B but its only worth $7B now? And loosing subscribers and revenue? Not so shrewd Or are you comparing the value...