The Fed is out of bullets. Raise rates any further and you risk recession. Lower them and you will see another housing run. We are stuck for the...
I’m guessing he means he doesn’t speak for most Catholics. I agree.
Horny and unemployed males are a big problem.
To be fair, some areas of Seattle do smell like MJ 24/7. I saw a dude ripping a bong right next to my hotel a few weeks ago. And what’s the deal...
I think your wife lit up in the car and blamed it on someone else.
Hard pass on Butch body. The others could be taken under consideration. Only because I’m a patriot.
Unprofessional, but accurate.
Banana republic.
Tebow was a playmaker and a winner. Some team would have figured out how to use him effectively, even if it wasn’t as a full time QB.
If he is not playing, he’ll be on Fox News or OANN. If it was Mahomes saying this, teams would put up with it. But for a kicker, I have my doubts....
Tebow was more than good enough to stay in the NFL for a decade. The problem wasn’t his faith either. It was the media circus that came along with...
Setting himself up for a career in politics.
Read the thread. I’ve made my position very clear. If you want to make the claim that I’m blaming the victim or that I’m an idiot, knock yourself...
How about not opening the door? How about having a doorbell camera so you can verify who it is? I don’t know how we got to the point were people...
This thread proves otherwise. Nothing trumps guns. Not kids, not the blue, no matter how stupid and ridiculous the situation is, guns are never...
Except the victim had zero control over any of those. They only thing he controlled was not opening the door holding a gun. It’s tragic, but those...
Has anyone on this thread argued that what the victim did was illegal? Or what officer did was justified? I don’t think so. But if the victim is...
I understand that’s what the article claims, but I’m seeing the same video. The officer does stay out of view in the first knock. But he is well...
I think some of you have been sold defective peepholes if you think moving a couple of feet to the left makes you invisible. And why would the...