So, three co equal branches of government: out checks and balances: out oversight: out The establishment clause: out only three weeks in, stay tuned.
a maga wet dream, forcing outlets they do not like off the air.
Private evangelical schools with the Bible as a textbook. Just the way God and the founders intended.
a giant Jerry Springer episode, recorded at a wal mart. ( and spare me the love it or leave it bullshit)
Tubberville says a lot of stupid, ignorant, and outrageous things.
We've seen this movie before on multiple levels. The potus does or says something, which by definition makes it newsworthy no matter who the...
Better safe than sorry. There are those who would love to attack the sb.
So when do the re education camps open? It must be somewhere in the fine print of the project 25 crap.
All about the oligarchy. All without firing a shot.
Just the ones with a d after name. We get it.
So the Trump worshippers would be fine with gop lawmakers being denied access to a govt dept? asking for a friend.....
Your j 6 heroes said hello
Figures. Kiss the orange ass or else.
If they get their way, the tables won't be turned.
when is he going to a prison in el salvador?
Oh goody, mass shootings will be so much easier now. Yay team!
yet they adore him anyway
None of that matters any more. We have an emperor now.
Figures. I'm sure that will include political opponents as well.