This is a false dichotomy. It also ignores the fact that many gun control advocates have proposed evidence-based policies that have been shown to...
So we basically agree. And I do think this. Not for undergraduate. But I do think medical school shouldn't be as expensive as it is. I would offer...
I think the problem with the text isn't so much that it was "racist" as that it showed he has an affinity for white nationalism. He holds whites...
Training doctors to work with different populations, including what might be cultural barriers to treatment, is a great idea. Different admission...
I didn't say it was "easy." I haven't attended medical school so I can't comment. I do find the high rate of graduation to be more of a cautionary...
Whites are actually represented at a rate equal to their share of the population, possibly even underrepresented because many doctors are older....
My cousin is a doctor and I know many people who have attended medical school, and every one would say this is BS, there are lots of unprepared...