Most Earl,has gone this year is 3 innings Gator 3rd: Rivera - bloop out to SS
Jordan grounds out to 2nd, good stretch by JJ End of 2: 0-0
Smith - flyout to RF
LSU 2nd Watson - k's
India - strike 3 looked in the outside batters box 0-0
Langworthy- flyout to RCF
Gator 2: Maldonado - ground out to 3rd, dropped it but made the play
Cardozo was chatting with LSU fans , shut down the tiger fan by saying "oh yeah, why don't you score from the 1 yard line at your own ball park?!"
Deichmann - k's End of 1: 0-0
Diplantis spoils a stolen base fouling off a pitch Fly out to CF
Freeman - draws a walk on 4 pitches
Mick says replay shows Guthrie was safe. LSU 1st: Robertson - K's
Nellie-Guthrie gets gunned down on a late steal attempt in the dirt. 0-0
JJ - strike 3 that completely missed his spot
Guthrie-base hit to RCF Nice battle for Dalton fouling off a few
Top of the 1st Gators: Liput - ground out to 1st
Cardozo talking about Dowdy behind the plate....guy was calling strikes in outside batter box
gator lineup: Liput Guthrie JJ, 1B Nellie, RF Langworthy India Rivera, C Hicks, DH Larson
Brady Singer vs Russell Reynolds tonight. 1st start this year for the Tiger; 8th start in his career at LSU
Wind blowing our to RF tonight