It seems to me that when you admit you lied about documenting ballot mules existing that your movie (not really a documentary) about 2000 of them...
True enough. But its been my observation that the world in general and the criminal subset seems to be heavily populated by total idiots.
They have his phone? He’s as good as caught. Those bikes are paid for with cc and they should be able to track it to origin with cc data.
Gunman seemed to have insider intel with an outsider’s motive. Knew where he would be at that early hour and knew what he looked like despite...
Dangerous whackjobs with a gun, a badge, and authority
This is a good development. I would think they have the resources and authority to do a more complete look-see. There was a neighborhood kid that...
I find it umm, odd and a little troubling that you spend so much time thinking about the butts of others but i support your right to...
I wonder if prosecutorial discretion overrules a judge’s decision? I have no idea but the judge in Hunter’s case says it is closed ORAL ORDER:...
Technically he was a US resident not a citizen, a slight but very significant difference
trump decided not to use the FBI to vet his nominees and it shows. Could have saved them and himself a lot of embarrassment Trump’s team skips...
No, just John Solomon who is known to stretch the truth if there is any and to make it up if there isn’t
Hegseth was forced to step down by both of the two nonprofit advocacy groups that he ran-Veterans for Freedom and Concerned Veterans for...
I’d be willing to bet that if shown a photo lineup of the genitalia of several people -no faces - that most here would say that person was a female
In his own words: "We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media. Yes, we're going to come after the people...
Just as stupid an idea as when some redneck politician in Texas proposed it.
You cannot find a more loyal, ask no questions, toady for trump if you tried. If he swears an oath to the Constitution he is lying. Remember when...
Ambassadors to France and some other plum assignments have typically been big donors but big donors of good character.
Not even trying to hide it anymore. Drain the swamp - righhhht
Trudeau had to travel to MAL as Canada will not allow felons into Canada without applying for an exemption. Can Felons Go to Canada? (How to...
Spin Spin Spin