if he would have gotten rid of his fat friend DC before he was forced to, and got someone competent, he would still be here now.
Norvell praying for a misdemeanor..
Looking at the NFL model, RB's aren't usually drafted as high as other positions. I'm skeptical of top teams like Bama, Georgia etc paying top...
To answer your question, OP is either a troll or worse yet, a moron.
I agree that this year will be a good indication of coaching performance. Not only for our team, but for many others. Mizzouri is losing 14...
I'm of the opinion that CBN will be around for at least 2 or 3 more years (and hopefully longer) to rebuild our program. I think everyone went...
Cromartie and Bolden come to mind
Wouldn't you say that about any coach that was hired.. Unless you had inside knowledge of all the universe of available coaches, how would any of...
Also, for all those who look at the technical aspect without context... Remember the swindle in the swap. Refs mysteriously call offsides on a...
Many penalties are overlooked at crucial times during the game. For instance, on the Bills 4th and 1, there was an offensive linemen downfield...
Mullen appeared to be a very good hire. He did great with the portal and also put together a high scoring team. Too bad he didn't have the fire...
Burn down the house without insurance? Who pays the 20+ million fee after the fire? The problem with all the fire the coach people is that the...
It seems to me the consensus by most was next year would be brutal for us, and we would have trouble having a winning record. I will wait until...
This whole situation is a microcosm of the state of college football today. If CBN isn't able to turn this around in a year or two, the last...
This situation doesn't look optimal for us, however the player deserves the benefit of the doubt until he breaks his word. Hopefully he is one of...
Best case scenario, Butt sniffers and holes OUT!
If above happens, Holes will be playing for mythical UCF title. Butt sniffers may not show up as it will be a major letdown for them considering...
1 down, 1 to go... Butt sniffers are gone, now for the holes to lose.. Nice Saturday Dailey Double...
if the holes beat louisville, i'd like to see them get in and get crushed in the first round. The last think i want to hear is a repeat of the...
You have a hot seat fixation. Any move CBN made would have resulted in a post about the 'hot seat'. CBN wants to win and he is taking decisive...