My theory is…we’re keeping AR in so he doesn’t get drafted and has to come back :cool:
Participation trophy
But hey…we have good gpa’s
Or sideways
How not to defend a pass…
Take that…a pretty field goal. I feel a momentum change
That’s it…run the ball so we have better FG position down 21
But…we’re showing effort
Appears we’ve conceded and sorry, thought you said regression…and was about to reply, thinking we’ve shown that :confused:
Diversion from poor 3rd down defense
AR or Kitna next series?
Everything actually sounded really good, but that damn guilt thing made me do it ;)
This is my concern...word gets on the street how we managed Kelly deal and I have to believe this becomes a deterrent for anyone with proven...
Hey SS check this out:
Hoping all this noise is simply a deflection to ensure there are no implied contracts in play that would prevent Kelly from receiving his SF...
That ain’t funny...
Yep...they’re on the front porch
Operative words: “as we understand it”. Who the F*** is the “we” providing contractual legal interpretations?? I guess we’re led to believe all...
Sorry have been in Europe...sitting on plane and trying to catch up. I missed directive...just trying to be a team player :cool: