Now being reported that the suspensions, 3 possibly 4 freshmen, were smoking weed in the locker room. Part of the entitled 32 million dollar...
Just show up.
All is good. Life marches on. Hope you and yours are well.Yes I lurk or lurch around the site. Trust your plants and grands have developed much...
V has been down and out with pneumonia (sp?) She should still be in bed but went back to the classroom some this week cause it is FCAT week, the...
Thank you for the Birthday wishes. Getting older and time goes faster. Trying not to sprint to the finish line. Hope all is well.
:love: Wow are on the ball. I believe it is margarita time.
Hey Young Lady...I hate that one team must lose. Hope you and the family are good.
Sooo where have you been....we need some Hotness on the Board. Oh Baby.
You caught me ... you caught the tater !
Glad your son is back home. :grin: Get everyone healthy. Spring is around the corner, but for now Monday has got me by the throat.
That was a strange game. The Coach and Team need to move forward. Time to open a can of Whip A$$ on LSU. Hope all is well.
Having to deal with a loss and filing your taxes at the same time is above and beyond the call of duty. Beat LSU
Game Day....I don't hear you.
Good Morning. The big dogs are going to be off the chain tonight. Hope there are no injuries and the Refs do not deceide the game. A big Go Gators...
Hope your week was good. Rumor has it that Coach Meyer called your checking to see if you had any elgibility remaining! Well, at least I am...
Hard to believe that any sports type would put the Gators at 15. I do not believe the Swine's defense can keep Bamma's offense off of the...
Happy Birthday Young Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saw this comment from you today,"la paper ranks Bama 5th and Gators 14th", that LA Sports Writer must be rolling and smoking something with his...
Thinking of you this week, hope all goes well.