He’s a Baughler
Rock Westfal. The guy who wrote the article.
He’s a Wisconsin Badger fan. All you need to know
You know, I feel like Demps didn’t really go down right away. Plus it was hard to get a good hit on him. Rainey seemed to trip himself up in the...
There’s a main page?
I know the girl is the youngest, is Lebron maybe the oldest USA athlete?
1. Coach Boone 2. Coach Carter 3. Rexkwando 4. The coach from Rookie of the Year 5. Cajun coach from Water Boy
Exactly. Especially at RB. People that can run fast and juke are a dime a dozen. It’s what they do when they don’t that make them great
But how’s his blocking? Not joking or throwing shade by any means, I can’t wait for him to get on the field, but that’s what separates the RBs.
I always asked the O6 those questions to show my guys they are just people too
Reminds me of the great QB Ken Dorsey from Miami. He amounted to squat after he left that O-Line
Just let it play out….
Maybe you’re right, maybe it’s all a show…we’ll never know
Sure, ok….I can kind of agree with this, maybe….after the fact that they are Hall of Famers it’s easy to say that. But a lot of these kids have...
I’d go with WR. RB is gonna do what it always does, but I’m optimistic that the WRs are gonna show up this year. I agree with Bobby about DL...
You talking about in the video game or real life? And John Madden probably isn’t going to say ANYONE is a terrible tackler while he’s...
Best tackler out there since Joe Montana
You obviously don’t remember his tackling. Probably not a great blocker either
I can’t wait for the UM game to be over so everyone can say the next game is “the must win game”.