This time she grounds a 2-1 pitch to first. Out unassisted to retire the side. Missed a chance to break the game open - bases loaded 1 out and...
Grand slam girl Kenleigh Cahalan up with a chance to do it again.
Williams grounds to SS, who throws home for the force out FC. 2 down.
Erickson draws a 4 pitch walk. Bases loaded.
After a coaching visit to the circle, Taylor S bounces out to 1st, advancing the runners to 2nd & 3rd, 1 out.
Kendra works a full count and draws a walk. Plate discipline a Gator trademark.
Rylee goes to 2nd on a passed ball on the first pitch to Falby.
Holtorf leads off for UF while announcers ARE TALKING ABOUT WEARING SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT. Rylee gets to 3-2 and walks.
New Lopes pitcher, Taryn Batterton, 4-1, 3.14 ERA.
I can't remember which game it was, but they were showing velocity and she was hitting 70 mph regularly.
Back to the top of the order, where a high hop is fielder by Kenleigh and her throw to 1st retires the side. Going to the 4th inning, 5-0 Gators.
#9 batter works it to a 3-2 count, then grounds out to SS. 2 down.
That's what I hear.
#8 batter for GCU leads off the last half of the 3rd against Rothrock by lining out to Otis on a 3-1 pitch.
Antelopes should know not to mess with Gators!!
Comia grounds the first pitch back to the pitcher. Toss to first ends the inning. Going to the bottom of the 3rd, 5-0 Gators.
Reagan Walsh grounds to SS, Otis forced at 2nd for the 2nd out.
Korbe singles to CF on a 1-1 pitch.
Cahalan slugs a grand slam on a 1-0 pitch over ther RF fence. Gators pounce on the Antelopes!!!
New pitcher Emily Darwin, 7.1 IP 2.45 ERA.