LOL don’t get happy. Deaths are only down 75%.
They’re going to let this narrative go about as quickly as they did the Russia narrative. Oh wait.. they’re still fantasizing about Russia.
You’re not going to stop the spread now. The same CDC is saying about 10% of the country already has it. Most of them do not know they have it....
Yeah I mean, the gloom and doomers can spin it all they want, but we’ve obviously made some great headway in crippling this virus. Either that or...
As of now, with a little over two more hours of reporting to go, there have been 235 deaths nationwide. I realize there is a lag in time between...
Based on the hospitalizations, there is a real increase in new cases proportionately in areas that didn’t see a widespread outbreak before,...
Honestly, considering Florida's new daily case count has increased 10-fold since the start of June, those are pretty encouraging hospitalization...
Fauci now acknowledging that the virus has mutated and become more contagious.
Looks like we're breaking 60,000+ new cases today. The new case count started to increase in earnest about two weeks ago, so the death rates next...
Somebody is getting fired at CNN this morning... Study finds hydroxychloroquine helped coronavirus patients survive better - CNN
It is beneath any general to opine on trivial photo ops by any president. Especially one whom he happily called his boss at one time.
Sure, riots are completely constitutional and the U.S. military has never been used by previous presidents to quell riots. Trump is the first. A...
Off topic, but Mattis is an idiot. The military was being considered to combat the riots, something that is not a Constitutional right at all and...
Perhaps Trump should ban all travel to and fro China now, before it gets here?
CDC says U.S. has ‘way too much virus’ to control pandemic as cases surge across country The coronavirus is spreading too rapidly and too broadly...
Over and under on how long it takes for Trump to call it "Another Chinese Special"?
Well, we can go out with our heads held high. 36-26 record against the Noles. It was a fun ride.
Scored a nice deal on my mom's N95 from these guys. [IMG]
My mom's N95 can beat up your mom's N95.
gator95, I feel ill and there is a testing shortage. What should I do?