….and why did they do that? I didn’t say the Civil War caused it; I said it eliminated one of the primary reasons that the EC even exists. I’ll...
I would. The EV’s main intended purpose was vaporware after the South got its ass handed to it in 1865.
I imagine it’s also the first time he’s seen a woman on her back so close.
As a nasty lib myself, I’m just not into Taylor Swift’s music. Give me some good outlaw country back before the genre went bootlicking and...
Man. I want to have a sense of humor about this so badly, but I’m worried this crossed a line into something very dangerous, and those in power...
I hate quotes like this. Speaking as someone who has a serious mental health issue (bipolar I), it’s not sOcIeTy that makes me like this: it’s...
I fear him just being a footnote is not going to be the case. There will be copycats. There are a lot of furious people, on the entire political...
Worse yet, they don’t understand or want to understand the actual causes of there issues and would rather choose rage and cruelty over actual...
If your entire life centers around a political figure, yah, you need to walk away and find actual meaning for your life. I mean this in all...
Peddling long-debunked BS like that “vaccines cause autism” as “just asking questions” should be immediately disqualifying. His generation...
I can’t say I disagree.
Oh it’s bigger than just healthcare. It’s a general feeling of powerlessness in the face people with functionally limitless wealth and influence...
I keep hearing him referred to as “The Adjuster” on Reddit. I chuckled. Here’s the thing: a large majority of Americans, both left and right,...
….and it’s a massive indictment of how absolutely craven and stupid this country has become. I remember when the GOP clutched pearls over...
Nissan: now possessing the credit of the majority of their owners.
It’s basically the “I’m not racist but” defense.
This is reasonable and the resources that it will require are immense. I fear, given the people involved, it will turn into a massive mess.
There are far too few veterans still around. I still keep in touch with many of the guys I knew through the WWII Museum. Far, far too many are gone.
“I’ll take I don’t understand global economics for $1000, Alex.”
This will 100% happen on right wing media and be parroted on this site. I’m sooooooo glad I’m a garden nerd and stockpiled stuff to offset costs....