Hey, @g8orbill, you can passively disagree with reality, but that’s your choice: Climate – Chevron.com Our climate target | Shell Global 2024...
It’s not a fraud. It’s established science. I’m not advocating pulling the carpet from under the economy, either. Check earlier posts I’ve put up...
I’m shocked it took this long for this study to come out. It’s honestly fascinating. TL;DR - Methanethiol emissions are higher because of our...
We had a local kid flying his drone around people’s back yards. Folks took pot shots at it because you can legally discharge firearms in our area...
…but I guess it’s okay to sexually batter a woman, so long as he’s “your guy.”
Thanks for the detailed response!
Man. That’s tough. I’m drinking a Center of the Universe barrel aged stout “SHUT UP” that’s pretty stellar.
I was brewery hopping with my wife when the game was on and missed it. For some reason, I have this odd desire to read Marx.
I’m still at a loss why they decommissioned their own plants, minus a knee-jerk to Fukushima. Some were older, yes, but not beyond their service...
Why is this suddenly an issue? I did a little Google and it appears that it wasn’t a hot-button issue until Dear Leader did it. I recall one day...
Accurate post. Germany bet heavy on nuclear and then erroneously decided to shut their program down because of what happened in Kyoto, never mind...
It’s strange how these posts didn’t appear when Trump failed to attend before this year. Stop inventing grievances. This post sounds like...
Do posts that mock and laugh at federal employees because Trump won count? I’m not referring to the “merits” of shrinking the Federal...
Tell me you don’t understand agency political appointees without telling me you don’t understand agency political appointees. It’s normal for...
It’s not a matter of “belief,” for one, its objective reality. Both Kyoto and the Paris plans are, honestly, pretty conservative. Assuming...
It is perfectly reasonable to ask if dragging our feet is the worst possible thing for future generations. Most, if not all, posters will be dead...
Climate change CAN be caused by many things. This is true. We saw it with the Permian Extinction, the Great Oxidation Event, and even due to...
It’s one of my favorite cities. Hell, Scotland is one of my favorite places. Are you familiar with “hellwalking?” Trespassing isn’t really a thing...
There’s an advocacy group I’m currently talking to about a role in the UK that’s pushing for reasonable, engineered solutions for the energy...